The dolls have uses beyond just sex

If depression ends with a person's social skills, then the doll can be used to address that as well. This is a great feature for gender ID when you are a person. Even if you have fun, you can carry it with you to this day, talking to a doll and investing in a real doll is often healthy, these are all broader means that can be used, and ultimately it is. It is up to the people to decide what they want to do.

For some of these dolls, they are kept as companions for many people. Being alone can also help in times of need, and for some people, it can be a great way to deal with loss. Well, it's not for everyone, but in some cases, it's a healthy way to deal with problems in your own way. Yes, it's a little weird to outsiders, but for those who own the doll, it can make a big difference.

Well, for some of these people, the sex doll is more of a companion than someone who fills a gap in more art forms and sexuality. For some, it's actually part of a piece of art that is designed and created, and it's definitely a piece that can be displayed as a performance art piece. For some, it can create a great work of art, impress the audience, and so on. For others it might just be a companion, maybe go out on a date etc, do something fun.

There is also a study of the relationship between these Japanese sex dolls and some of the people involved. In a sense, for Kokoschka it is almost an extension of himself, part of his personal artistic agenda. There is a connection between the artist and the mannequins, and between the movements of the people performing for the atmospheric giants and the movements of the surrealists. However, it is also seen as a way of solving problems working together, which turns out to be able to help them overcome the loss of their own loss. Of course, he also uses Kokoschka's puppets to increase his own fame. It's a strange, crazy approach, but also very spicy.